Title: The Children of Men by P. D. James
Genre: Fiction, Dystopia
Rating: 4/5
It's the year 2021, mankind is sterile and the youngest generation on earth has turned twenty-five. England is ruled by a charismatic dictator and the nation is regularly subjected to embarrassing fertility tests with no hope in sight. Until one small group of individuals decides that it's time to challenge the ruling power.
I really enjoyed The Children of Men. It's a dark read, and really made me think about what people are capable of when faced with their own death and the death of their entire species. The horror of knowing that you're growing older but there is no child or grandchild to follow after you. In The Children of Men, that knowledge has driven some women mad, as they transfer their maternal instincts to dolls and pets. James' future is chilling but utterly believable.
As for the writing itself, I enjoyed the combination of the first person narrative and the third person narrative. The stream of consciousness entries from Theo's diary allowed greater insight into his character, and also allowed James to provide the history necessary for the reader to develop an understanding of Omega without it reading like a "Here's what you need to know" section. I also appreciated James' descriptive skill. The imagery wasn't overly graphic, she didn't focus on the blood and gore, and yet it was still truly disturbing.
The Children of Men is a book that I'd like to read again one day and certainly one that I'd recommend to other readers.
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